
Download our Sensible Cannabis Education Booklets and the Cannabis Education Toolkit

The Guiding Principles of Education

The Guiding Principles of Education is a booklet targeted to adults (parents, caregivers, providers, teachers) who are looking to start the cannabis conversation with the youth in their lives.

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The Guiding Principles of Education Cover Image
Cannabis 101 + Harm Reduction Cover Image

Cannabis 101 + Harm Reduction

Cannabis 101 + Harm Reduction and Cannabis in Context are targeted to youth aged 17-25 who want to inform themselves on cannabis harm reduction, current scientific evidence on the potential risks & benefits, cannabis policy & laws and other important things to consider when using cannabis.

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Cannabis in Context

Cannabis 101 + Harm Reduction and Cannabis in Context are also appropriate for adults who may find the information helpful to supplement cannabis conversations or just want to learn more about cannabis themselves.

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Cannabis in Context


Want resources in more languages? Download our Sensible Cannabis Education Toolkit today!

Check out our new Cannabis Harm Reduction Tearaways!

These resources were created by youth-for-youth based on the information outlined in our Sensible Cannabis Booklet series. They have been created and optimized for both digital and print. Otherwise known as Tearaways! Get Sensible encourages you to share these with your friends, peers, or adults in your life. Download for free today! :)

Mapping Your Trip

🌟🔮 Greetings, brave souls and wanderers! 🌌✨ Are you an adventurer seeking wisdom for the grand voyage ahead? Fear not, for the beings at Get Sensible are here to guide you through the enchanted lands!

Festival Season Bingo 😎

Festival season is in full swing and in the spirit of harm reduction (and benefit maximization!) we’re dropping these cute and fun interactive bingo cards 🥳 can you get bingo by implementing safer partying practices during your summer festivities? 😈

Best Practices Checklist!

NEW! A guide for healthcare providers working with young people who (may or may not) use drugs.

Talking to Healthcare Providers Zine!

NEW! Not feeling seen by your family doctor, therapist, or other clinicians in your life? Check out this zine on ways you can feel better supported!

10 Principles of Harm Reduction Comic

Want to know more about Get Sensible’s 10 Harm Reduction tips? Read our Comic and get the poster! 

On Cannabis and Psychosis

Check out our collaborative zine On Cannabis and Psychosis. This is a great resource which demystifies the relationship between the two!

cover image of a zine about cannabis harm reduction

Guide to (NOT) Greening Out

Get Sensible’s guide to NOT greening out, available for download in a print yourself zine.

Stoner affirmations + self-care tips

A “print-your-own” affirmations and self-care zine dedicated to youth stoners who smoke weed.

cover image of a recipe card for cannabis edibles

DIY Edibles Info + Tips

A recipe guide that breaks down the math you need for making safe(r) edibles at home!

Bong Water Checkpoint

Safer smoking harm reduction tips specific to bongs.

a cover image of an infographic describing cannabis methods of consumption.

How People Use Weed

Exploring methods of consumption aka how young people use weed.

a cover image of an infographic describing why people consume weed.

Why People Use Weed

Exploring motivations for why young people use weed.

a cover image of an infographic on how to read cannabis retail labels

How to read a cannabis label

A detailed description of how to read weed product’s labels from licensed retailers in Canada.

cover image of an infographic on the TV show Euphoria.

Dare vs. Euphoria

A critical look at the show Euphoria and how drug use is represented.

Debunking myths from pop culture : movie review

Stoner movies are the medium to disseminate myths around cannabis use. The Get Sensible campaign and Project VoxCann partner up to debunk these popular myths.

Supporting Someone in Psychosis

In collaboration with the Cannabis and Mental Health Project, we’re put together this resource- informed by people with lived experience of both having and supporting someone in psychosis, as well as input from scientific advisors.

Overdose Awareness – Bathroom Poster Series

In the the spirit of “meeting people where they’re at”- we’ve been working on a series of posters that can be put up in places where people might be actively using drugs (bathroom stalls, smoking areas, or even in your home <3) to mobilize harm reduction and drug education. The first in the series we’re launching for International Overdose Awareness Day, to catch the attention of people who need the information most! Reminding them not to use alone, why they shouldn’t share gear, and how to recognize the signs of an overdose and what to do. We keep each other safe! You can find more information on our Instagram post here:

Harm Reduction Principles 2-Pager

We’ve updated our harm reduction principles for 2024 and present the abridged version here for easy circulation!